Personal Income Tax 2017 Personal Tax Checklist 0% Complete1 of 6 PERSONAL INFORMATION Your name * Your email * Your Occupation * Marital Status Single Married Widowed Separated Basis of assessment (i) Joint assesment Separate assessment Separate treatment Unsure Date of marriage / Date widowed * Date of birth * Spouse date of birth * Spouse Maiden Name * Spouse Occupation Has your address changed? Yes No Please provide new address Number of dependent children Has your country of tax residence changed? Yes No Unsure Days spent in Ireland in 2021 Days spent in Ireland in 2020 Are you Irish domiciled? (i) Yes No Unsure 1.10 State your country of domicile Are you a full medical card holder? Yes No Do you make voluntary PRSI contributions? (i) Yes No If you are human, leave this field blank. Next