When you talk about a premium brand it doesn’t get much more premium than the All Blacks. Legacy by James Kerr looks at why they are so successful. Here are some key points that you can apply to any business or organisation.
If you get a chance this is a great read. Or if you prefer to listen it is also available as an audio book.
Sweep the sheds – No one is too big or too small. After every All Blacks game two players sweep up the changing rooms.
Does that happen in your business?
Go for the Gap – When you’re on top of your game, change your game. Decline is inevitable unless leaders prepare for change.
What is your organisation doing to prepare now?
Pass the Ball – Giving opportunity and responsibility empowers others than will take the ball on and run.
Are you giving enough opportunities?
No One Gets Left Behind
Birds flying in formation are 70{288ed1faaea13c5a00402c6402367f61bbf1548d96fb88e90fec999f58d5af21} more effective than flying solo. It a bird falls out of formation, it feels the wind resistance and rejoins the flock. Should one fall behind, others stay back until it can fly again. No bird gets left behind. One selfish mindset will infect a collective culture.’
Is your team selfless?
Know thyself, keep it real. ‘Better people lead to better All Blacks’.
‘The best leaders remain true to their deepest values, they lead their own life and others follow’. The All Blacks have created a culture where honest, authentic and safe conflict can exist.
How do you show up as a leader?
ODK is a firm of accountants based in Cork and specializing in advising SME and family business clients.